Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Costume Ideas

Deprived Brother
In our opening two minutes we must portray the deprived boy as an ungroomed, scruffy character. We have narrowed down our ideas for the characters outfit, thinking about all the possibilities of generalisations as though to have a stereotypical view on the character to be easily identified by the audience.

We have decided upon this hoodie to be worn by the deprived brother as it is scruffy with marks of paint on it, we also decided on a specifically plain t-shirt as this will be covered by the hoody.

The tracksuit bottoms which are also stereotyped to be worn by a specific casual tatty person.

These are the trainers we have chosen to use for the deprived brother as they are scruffy and not well looked after, or worn therefore identifying his wealth with a lack of new footwear.

Wealthy Brother

In our opening two minutes we must portray the wealthy brother as being well groomed and a neatly presented character. We have narrowed down our ideas for the characters outfit, thinking about all the possibilities of generalisations as though to have a stereotypical view on the character to be easily identified by the audience. We feel we have successfully achieved this by using labels which are well known easily identified by characters to predict on the characters persona. In this case we have chosen abercrombie as this is well recognised as being an upper class brand.

Below is an abercrombie shirt;

We are currently unsure on whether to portray the character as a smart wealthy boy or a casual wealthy boy, the shirt being the smart option and below the polo shirt being the casual option.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Progress To Achieve Over the Christmas Holiday's

I have planned out to go through my to do list and have it completed in time for the school term starting again. I am going to start this after christmas and new years, leaving a week for this to be done.
- Location analysis accompanied with images.
- Actor profile accompanied with single image.
- Followed by costume and prop analysis and images.
- Turn storyboard into an animatic video.

Completition Date - 4th January

Location Ideas

We as a group have been discussing many locational ideas and have come up with the choice of two setting of where the financially deprived boy will be filmed and have currently agreed on using Dave's house to film the wealthy boy.

2 Current Options for deprived boy's location;

Both located under bridges, the first one is located in Ashtead not far from my house, which might be considered useful to have as a base for equipment and editing, this alley way which can be shot from both ends as it is a straight clear walk through.

The second location; in Leatherhead slightly more out of the way, along side the river mole, it is slightly more dusty and open to the public allowing more sunlight in, which i think we might not want, as the deprived boy will be based around dark, depressing colours to set the mood and character persona.

This is the shop in which the deprived brother is going to be introduced along with his alley way den:

This is the house in which the wealthier brother will be introduced into our opening two minutes:

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Time Management

So far i feel i have got a good detail with research into other openings, sound inspiration and evaluation of my opening tasks. Now i need to focus on storyboarding and laying out the breakdown of our own idea for our film.

Similar Film

Parent Trap is also a very similar style genre as there are two twins seperated from birth, in this case because of parent seperation, although in our film both parents died leaving both of the twins left in care. Leading different lives with no understanding of where or how one another are doing.

Film Analysis

The film 'Twins' as shown above is similar to the style of movie we are approaching as a group, showing a two brothers living two very different lives, in our case these brothers don't know where each other live or that their even alive.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Research and Planning Self Assessing

I believe i have a researched proficiently into similar products and aimed my research at our potential target audience. There is also a brief organisation of actors, locations, costumes and props research. Also showing a brief work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding. There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning and finally i have kept to a disciplined time managment.

Level 2 +/ Level 3 -